Do you live on campus?
Yes I do.
Where do you live?
What is your best Yavapai story?
Getting a phone call at two o’clock in the morning to rush outside and see snow in Tucson. A good majority of all of the people who live in Yavapai all stood outside ill-clad for snow and watched it fall and melt.
If you were to compare Yavapai to a fictional character what would it be?
Well I have no idea. I guess I would compare it to, I think I would compare it to the professor in the “”Narnia”” books. He is kind of old and kind of reserved but if you actually inquire within then he knows stuff and he is pretty cool.
Do you have friends in other dorms?
What is your favorite dorm on campus?
I kind of like Villa del Puente because of the outdoor parts and it is a little bit newer than Yavapai so I like that one.
If Yavapai and Villa del Puente got in a fight, who wins?
Well, Yavapai.
Because we have been here since like the 60s, you can’t get rid of us.
What’s your best roommate story?
My best roommate story is probably … the third or fourth day we were living together in the room and I walked in having accidentally punctured my hand with a metal rod. She was like, ‘Well, what are we going to do about that?’ And I was like, ‘Well campus health is closed, so I guess you’re just going to help me wrap my hand and we’re going to see if it stops bleeding.’ She was very helpful.