The ASUA Senate heard of its spending past and the university’s future in this week’s Wednesday night meeting in the Student Union Memorial Center, with a recap of semester spending and a projection in student code of conduct changes.
Associated Students of the University of Arizona Treasurer Kenny Ho addressed ASUA’s spending at the year’s halfway point.
November numbers are only a projection, as final numbers aren’t received until around a month after the calendar month ends.
“”There have been a lot of transfers in and out,”” Ho said at the meeting. Many deposits have been made to several ASUA accounts, usually through reimbursements from the Arizona Student Unions.
Projections after November’s spending place available funds through the ASUA treasurer $604,941.52 out of their balanced $1,372,150 budget, according to ASUA budgetary reports given by Kenny Ho in the meeting.
Club funding comes in at $47,546.70 for the year so far.
In future meetings, the upcoming Arizona Board of Regents meeting at the UA on Dec. 9 and 10 could bring a change in student behavioral conduct code, specifically sexual misconduct.
“”It lowers the standard,”” said Veda Kowalski, senior associate dean of students, at the meeting to the senate. Every four to five years, according to Kowalski, the university alters its code of conduct and must seek approval by the Arizona Board of Regents for any changes.
The current wording of the sexual misconduct standard reads: “”Engaging in any illegal sexual offense, including but not limited to, sexual assault, public sexual indecency, or indecent exposure.””
“”By disengaging the code of conduct from the criminal code, we are trying to turn it back into what it always was meant to be, which was an administrative code and not a criminal code,”” said Bruce Skolnik, university attorney in the Office of the General Counsel.
In having to meet the legal standard, there is a way for students, who can apply for a due process hearing before the enacting of a sanction in violating a section of the code of conduct, to argue that due to a lack of proof of the illegality of their act, they should not be formally prosecuted.
This reality, as well as the “”type of cases we are seeing,”” according to Kowalski, were impetuses in changing the code.
The new code, Skolnik said, would open up the code to “”things that are related to the sexual misconduct … but not just the sexual misconduct that you see.””
Visitors to campus have only the courts authority ruling over them and would not apply to the student code, according to Kowalski.
Other sexual events not included in a sexual misconduct violation with a person also do not fall under this limitation, but are handled by a different section of the code of conduct.
Upcoming in ASUA …
- This week, aided by Wednesday’s ZonaZoo Undie Run, ASUA is running a Holiday Clothing Drive.
- Spring Fling booth lists are finalized for the April carnival.
- The Freshman Class Council will begin a shadowing program of people in ASUA starting next semester.
- Applications for administrators for Family Weekend 2011 and Bear Down Camp 2011 will be available starting next semester as well.
- ASUA Senate members will be guiding the accreditation team and sitting on committees during the UA’s reaccreditation process on Monday and Tuesday.
- The Arizona Students’ Association will be having a Regents meeting on Wednesday.
- The next Arizona Board of Regents meeting occurs at the UA on Dec. 9 and 10.