Daily Wildcat polls should be rethought
The Arizona Daily Wildcat has many fine traditions, but one tradition needs to end – poorly designed online polls.
While polls could be an interesting forum to see what students think about important and timely issues, instead we get “”What is your favorite venomous creature?”” (Sept. 5).
Problems with the polls come in two forms, both abused far too often. The first problem is uninteresting questions. “”Which album did you buy: Kanye West or 50 Cent”” (Sept. 13) belongs on MTV.com, not wildcat.arizona.edu. Similarly, please stop asking “”What do you think will be the outcome of the football game?”” (Sept. 7) or “”Did you watch the halftime show at Saturday’s football game?”” (Sept. 16).
The second error is possibly more annoying – even when the question is good, the answer choices cloud the response. Take, for example, “”Do you think rowdy fans deserved to be tased? (Sept. 10). What ever happened to “”yes”” or “”no?”” Instead we get four confounding answers, including “”yes, but only if they’re ASU fans.”” Whoever wrote that probably thinks he or she is clever, but really it just ruined the poll. What’s interesting is not the question itself, but rather how students respond.
We need to see less of the Daily Wildcat trying to be funny (and failing), and more of letting students just answer.
-Ryan M. Johnson
UA alumnus
Former opinions editor
Thanks for bringing back ‘No Relation’
I have to say, I never thought, as I flipped to the back comic page first and foremost this morning, that I would find “”No Relations”” brought back.
This is a wonderful surprise that I must commend you for. I’m sure some will still be offended by it, but that is the chance that must be taken!
It’s a sad day when college newspapers have to start censoring their comedy! So once again, thank you for bringing the artist’s cartoon back for all of us to enjoy! I know we will.
-Nicole Cassese
journalism senior