“”It’s a tough situation there. … I think it’s going to get harder before it gets easier, just like the surge in Iraq was.””
– Sen. John McCain, Dec. 7, 2008
“”I’m feeling better. It’s great to see (the team). And as soon as I have the OK, I’ll be able to come and watch them.””
-ÿformer UA head coach Lute Olson at ribbon-cutting ceremony for Richard Jefferson
Gymnasium, Dec. 8, 2008
“”Is this a joke?””
– Governor Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, on being told he was under arrest on charges of conspiracy to sell President-elect Barack Obama’s Senate seat to the highest bidder, Dec. 9, 2008
“”This is a matter of urgency and of national security and it has to be dealt with in a serious way. That’s what I intend my administration to do.””
– President-elect Barack Obama, Dec. 9, 2008
“”While we’re still the U.S. sales leader, we acknowledge we have disappointed you. At times we violated your trust by letting our quality fall below industry standards and our designs became lackluster.””
– General Motors print advertisement, unveiled Dec. 8, 2008
“”An Obama job approval rating of 79 percent – that’s the sort of rating you see when the public rallies around a leader after a national disaster. To many Americans, the Bush administration was a national disaster.””
– senior CNN political analyst Bill Schneider, Dec. 9, 2008