Help the Homeless
Members of the campus community can donate toiletries, clothing and non-perishable food for Tucson’s homeless community at Coronado Residence Hall’s front lobby through Dec. 15. Items needed include socks, underwear, jeans, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, towels, deodorant, heavy sanitary pads, vitamins, cough drops, backpacks and razors.
Sell your textbooks
Textbook buyback begins today at locations around campus, including the UofA Bookstore in the Student Union Memorial Center, Park Student Union, UA Mall, Main Library, McClelland Hall and Arizona Health Sciences Center. Students can sell back their textbooks until Dec. 19.
Show some love
Today is International Hug Day. Show your friends some love by sharing hugs, sending e-cards and participating in random acts of kindness.