“Op-Ed: Increased faculty diversity benefits all students”
By ASSU Community Action Board, Asian American Activities Center (A3C) Student Advisory Board Undergraduate Representatives
An article by Stanford’s Joel Brinkley, a Hearst Visiting Professional in the Department of Communication, illuminated the problems that occur when an institution of higher education offers a diversity of class subjects without an accompanying diversity of professors. In his article, Professor Brinkley demonstrated his lack of knowledge about the lived experience of Southeast Asian students, using his intellectual position to demean the region’s peoples without considering how his argument might be offensive and harmful to many Asians around the world, let alone the Asian-American students on this campus. He described Vietnamese people as “aggressive” and “gruesome” consumers of dog meat, a supposed contradiction to the economic success of the country.
The Stanford Daily
Stanford University
“How do we ‘measure’ who has it harder in 2013?”
By Andrea Flores
Things like the formation of ‘race,’ segregated schools, redlining, the prison system, environmental racism, whiteness as property — these are all things we are still dealing with today. These things have trickled down and formed our present reality, however different from more ‘apparently racist’ times they may seem.
There doesn’t have to be segregated counters or ‘No Dogs or Mexicans’ signs like the ones that were so prevalent in the 1950s and ‘60s to understand that there is still racism everywhere in America.
When our realities differ, we might never truly understand what it is like to walk in another’s shoes, but the least we can do is talk about it.
The State Press
Arizona State University
“The politics of hookups”
By Jason Willick
But today’s elite college students couldn’t care less about religious, spiritual or moral arguments against casual sex. And it’s not just that we are less religious than older generations. Educated Millennials have a distinctively libertarian social outlook. As social psychologist Jonathan Haidt wrote, “there’s something about the process of becoming comparatively well-off and educated that seems to shrink the moral domain down to its bare minimum — I won’t hurt you, you don’t hurt me, and beyond that, to each her own.
The Daily Californian
University of California, Berkely
“Teens must have access to Plan B”
By Jordan Vogel
It is remarkable technology, but requiring a prescription makes it almost useless to the age group that arguably needs it the most. The pill only works within 72 hours of sexual activity, so the portion of teens that will actually be willing to go through the painstaking process to get it still might not have access to it in time. The FDA gave its approval for the drug long ago, and the zero reported deaths and few complications shine in comparison to the physical and emotional side effects of a teenage pregnancy.
The Daily Utah Chronicle
The University of Utah