What is the worst thing you have coming up this week?
(Long pause) Oh, I have tutoring every single day because of the 30 percent I got on my first accounting test.
And did you study?
The funny part is, I did study and, not only did I have tutoring, but my TA tutored me.
Yikes girl. Well, regardless of that one failed test, you seem to be glowing. What are you loving about life?
Life is so amazing right now. I was just offered an internship in New York City with the Stock Exchange and I feel like my life here at the UA is a dream.
How so?
All I do is socialize, tan, and flirt, as you can see by my test score.
Do you think flirting with TAs and/or teachers is appropriate and/or useful?
(Laughs) Getting to know your TA and teachers is very helpful in a sense that they get to know you better as a student and they get to see what needs you have. In regards to flirting, I mean if the TA is single and older than 25, why not?
You only live once, right? Who are the three people you think are the most successful under 25?
I would say Mark Zuckerberg, but after seeing “”The Social Network”” I do not like him. I guess I am going to go with … can we do 30?
Zach Hunter, he started Loose Change to Loosen Chains, a foundation which has students freeing modern day slaves. Alanna O’Brien, my sister, who is president and founder of HALO for HOPE. And Justin Bieber, yeah, I had to say it.
And what are three things you need to accomplish before you are 30?
Go to graduate school abroad at University College London, secure a job with the United Nations by the age 29, and be married to Prince William, 29 is the deadline.
We can probably arrange for this to be e-mailed to him if you want.
Oh my gosh, yes, yes, yes.
If Prince William proposed to you with a Ring Pop, what would happen?
He’d be going back to the candy shop he bought it at. First I’d be like, “”Are you kidding me?”” Then I’d get his 50 cents back and make him turn that 50 cents into the 50 carat ring that I deserve.
—Caroline Nachazel