Paul right about foreign policy
On foreign policy, Ron Paul is correct.
It is disappointing to see so many presidential candidates unwilling even to consider the possibility that U. S. foreign policy might actually contribute to anti-American sentiment abroad. Ron Paul, the sole candidate who dares to discuss this relationship, is routinely lambasted at the Republican debates. Rudy Giuliani and others, desperately seeking to flaunt their patriotic prowess, scoff at Paul and his analysis.
They are content with the explanation that the 9/11 hijackers, for example, attacked us out of “”hatred for our freedoms.”” That is a convenient explanation, but ultimately a shallow and simplistic one. If we are truly honest with ourselves, it is not difficult to grasp how U.S. involvement in the internal affairs of other countries can contribute to animosity against our nation.
Consider the example of Iran. Did not our CIA overthrow the democratically-elected government of Mossadeq in 1953? Did not our government prop up the Shah, a much-hated dictator, for more than 30 years? Did not the USS Vincennes shoot down an Iranian commercial airliner in 1988, killing more than 250 people?
If another country involved itself in the affairs of our nation in such a manner, we would be justifiably enraged. It is high time that we Americans and our political leaders had the moral courage to evaluate critically the way in which our government engages other nations of the world. Ron Paul’s example demonstrates both humility and insight, and we would do well to follow it.
-Tom Donlan
history department
Mormon cartoon inappropriate
Just when I thought the Daily Wildcat was a decent, mostly respectable college newspaper, I found something that proved me wrong. I was chatting with a customer at the Student Union Memorial Center when I happened to mention I was Mormon. He promptly asked if I had seen Friday’s paper. When I asked why, he answered that there was something offensive in it, something that he “”was surprised they published.””
That piece was a cartoon that stated in big letters “”MORON”” and in small letters “”if you squint, it looks like it says Mormon.”” The fact that if such a blatant jab had been made toward the religion of Islam or people of Asian descent the cartoon would never have been published is a statement in and of itself. I wasn’t so much offended as I was disappointed. I’ve grow accustomed to blowing off the scorn and general misinformation directed toward me, but I had thought or hoped that our country, our world, was past that point. That we as a people were mature enough to accept people as they are instead of using superficial attributes to judge them.
I wonder who is more moronic – the people who have been the butt of criticism for more than 100 years or the poor, ignorant man who wrote the comic.
-Tiara Cottam
astronomy sophomore
Keep opinions out of the calendar
I had to write last year to fix this problem, and apparently it has gotten worse. The calendar in the WildLife section every Thursday should tell me what things are happening over the week and not give me unwanted opinions about the events themselves.
While reading this week’s calendar, I was simply appalled by what was allowed to be printed. Under the event “”KFMA Free Ball,”” it was completely inappropriate to tear into the bands just because the writer doesn’t enjoy that type of music. To say that the bands “” … fell short of stardom … “” is not only a petty remark but untrue. The Starting Line’s most recent album debuted at No. 30 on the Billboard charts and The Almost debuted at No. 39 and has over seven million plays on its MySpace page.
I was completely flabbergasted to see that the editor had allowed the line “”Now they’re stuck playing for free to advertise a shitty radio station.”” That is completely uncalled for in an events section. The icing on the cake, though, is how a mere six pages later you have an interview with The Almost! I am positive they wouldn’t have gone through with the interview if they knew what else would be printed about them.
I didn’t realize that this was a blog where the writer was allowed to gripe about the things she doesn’t like. Maybe next time instead of complaining about the events you could just give the details of the event and then maybe you wouldn’t forget to list things like the free Head Automatica concert that is happening on campus! You should stick to writing the events and their info (especially ones that are happening on campus) and keep your opinions to yourself.
-Jacob Wexler
KAMP Student Radio human relations director
Dumka column indecisive
Allison Dumka’s piece about sorority greek life (“”Striving for sisterhood … “” Aug. 23) is the perfect example of a person failing miserably at trying to please two sides. The title of the piece suggests that it is about the uncertainties tied to joining a sorority, yet the content of the article proves completely otherwise. Dumka states that “”greek women face prejudices like every other social group and unfair assumptions that they are unintelligent, promiscuous and vapid.”” She then goes on to state that more women graduate from the UA than men.
Wow, Ms. Dumka, that must be the most ridiculous connection in the history of journalism. Who’s to say that those women graduating from the UA were all in sororities? Nice research (not). Ms. Dumka continues with her two-faced approach stating that she “”dislike(s) the misconception that beautiful women cannot be smart,”” although she thinks otherwise when she sees pledges jumping up and down showing off their, uh, spirit.
What is it you’re trying to say? Do you think sorority girls are all mostly white, blonde, rich and not fond of class? Or are you saying they’re all rich look-alikes who avoid class, purchase their friends and live for the jungle party? Explaining your personal obsession with beauty, stating financial figures of sororities and rambling on with some b.s. about greek contribution to campus life do not cover up the fact that you are afraid to pick a side on an issue and stick to it.
I would expect a senior political science major to be more decisive about picking a side to this issue; the Wildcat editing staff should question themselves for publishing a piece that accomplishes nothing but filling up space.
-Vince De Luca
political science junior