Both Daniel Hernandez and James Allen have been disqualified from the ASUA presidential race due to an excess amount of campaign violations. Due to the disqualification, a runoff election will be held sometime in the coming weeks.
Had the results stood, Allen would have defeated Hernandez 2,009 votes to 1,004.
ASUA Elections Commissioner Michael Colletti refused to say which violations both campaigns had committed, though Allen indicated his intent to appeal the violations.
Other election results are listed below:
Senate (top 10 win election):
Josh Ruder, 1731 votes
Danielle Dobrusin, 1372 votes
Chad Travis, 1269 votes
Shan Harris, 1158 votes
Kevin Elliott, 1066 votes
Jason Brown, 1065 votes
Chandni Patel, 1030 votes
Erik Lundstrom, 930 votes
Blanca Delgado, 900 votes
Marielos Castro, 836 votes
Michael Weingarnter, 767 votes
Nina Gubisic, 766 votes
Carlita Cotton, 718 votes
Jarrett Benkendorfer, 702 votes
Dylan Janis, 651 votes
Kyira Hankton, 556 votes
Raymond Arvizu, 541 votes
Robert Rosinski, 470 votes
Administrative Vice President:
Brett Ponton, 1,794 votes
Brittany Steinke, 798 votes
Executive Vice President:
Bryan Ponton, 1,777 votes
Monica Ruiz, 888 votes
Michael Colletti, ASUA elections commissioner is refusing to give specifics on election code violations.
Both presidential candidates James Allen and Daniel Hernandez Jr. have been disqualified
Brett Ponton is administrative vice president and Bryan Ponton is executive vice president
Shan Harris
Kevin Elliott
Jason Brown
Chandi Patel
Erik Lundstrom
Blanca Delgado
Marielos Castro
Senate results:
Josh Ruder
Danielle Dobrusin
Chad Travis
ASUA President Emily Fritze announced another 10 minutes. Team Red has arrived with Daniel Hernandez Jr., Brittany Steinke, Erik Lundstrom, Monica Ruiz, and Chandni Patel.
People chanted “”Chad”” as Sen. Chad Travis entered.
8:30 p.m.
Lots of people cheered when James Allen, Bryan Ponton and Brett Ponton arrived.