Can you tell us any secrets about the PSU?
I can’t give anything right now, no secrets. I can just tell you that this is the best place on campus to eat and that is probably because I work here. I love this place.
You definitely charm a bunch of people every day with that smile, I am sure. Do you have any favorite customers?
Oh thank you. But no, I love everyone. Everyone is my favorite.
What is the craziest thing you have witnessed while working here at the PSU among all these crazy college students?
I don’t know if it’s appropriate but, oh, seeing a couple young guys with their pants that were so big that their jeans almost dropped to the floor.
Whoa! Did you attend the UA?
No, my daughter and son went to the UA here so that’s how I got involved; so my son says, “”Well Mom, if you work here at least I can get a discount on my books and everything.”” I said, “”Okay, I guess I can come in and see if I can find a job.”” And then I got hired so I’ve been here going on seven and a half years.
What has been the best time of your life?
Actually, coming to the UA to work has because being around the younger students and everyone makes me feel younger. Especially when I have a birthday coming up here, January 30th.
What is your favorite song to put on and go crazy to?
My favorite is Elvis Presley and I love to do the Twist.
Hopefully we’ll get to see that some day.
Yeah, I love to do the Twist, and then I do love some of the country songs, and I like to do the Two-Step and the Boogie Woogie.
You are a dancing woman?
I love to dance.