Are you excited for the UA vs. ASU game?
Very much so.
What are you going to be doing to prepare for this big day?
Not going crazy, but definitely some red and blue.
Do you have any friends or relatives that go to ASU?
A few.
How does the rivalry affect or interfere with those relationships?
It makes it more fun. It is kind of fun to have the back and forth with them. It’s fun to make fun of them for being dumber than me.
How do you feel about Sparky versus Wilbur?
I think Sparky looks like a creepy French man.
Who would win in the ultimate smack down between the two?
Wilbur would tear his head off.
Do you think that Wilma is even more powerful than Sparky?
Wilma wears the pants in the relationship. I think she can take Wilbur out.
How do you feel about UA students who do not care about this ASU rivalry game?
They apparently do not understand what college is about.
What is college about for you?
Fun, and obviously the ASU/UA game, totes. Obvs.
Why is UA a better school than ASU?
We’re more fun, we are more intelligent, we have better spirit and we actually win football games.
Except for the last two …
We don’t need to get in to that, sore subject.
Are you going to be skipping any classes for tomorrow’s big day?
No, I will not be. I am actually a responsible student. My last class ends at 12:15.
Oh, you’re chillin’. So, last year ASU almost beat us when we were supposed to kill them. What is going to be the outcome this year? Are we going to demolish them, or is it going to be a close game?
Rivalry games are always close, but I think we are a lot better this year than we were last year. I think we will win by a decent margin, but not as much as people are hoping for.
Who is your favorite player?
Sunshine, Nick Foles.
He’s awesome. Were you so depressed when he was injured?
I was, but then I realized Matt Scott improved a lot.
What would you do if Nick Foles sent you a request on Facebook to be your friend?
I would send him a relationship request.
— Caroline Nachazel