In response to “Guest column: Uninformed hate blinds scope of recent immigration column” (By Murphy Woodhouse, March 26):
The irony of the author quoting the Southern Poverty Law Center to define the Federation for American Immigration Reform as a hate group is similar to using the KKK to define the New Black Panther Party.
The SPLC uses bullying tactics to label a group racist or a hate group and thereby bully them into dropping their positions and capitulating to the SPLC. The first article seems to have accomplished its primary mission to open a debate. The assumption that anyone that opposes illegal immigration is full of hate is ignorant and misguided.
The graduate of Latin American studies should take some time to see the negative consequences of illegal immigration and the impact it has on landowners and legal immigrants before he throws around terms like “hate”.
In response to “Campus fees belong in the hands of students, not AZ Legislature” (By Dan Desrochers, March 25):
Yes, it does belong in the hands of the students. ASA [Arizona Students’ Association] brings in something like $600,000 a year and half of that money goes towards paying ASA employee salaries. Add to that the money they gave to the failed Prop 204. That is well over half their budget! It is my opinion that the money could be used a lot better if more of it went directly back to student clubs and organizations. Right now, UA student clubs receive next to nothing of the funding that they request through ASUA [Associated Students of the University of Arizona]. I can’t even imagine the possibilities of where our student clubs and organizations could go and the great things they could do if they had more funding and could spend less time doing bake sales, trying to scrape by…
In response to “A real solution: Incorporate ethnic studies into history and literature courses” (By Nathaniel Drake, March 2):
By incorporating ethnic studies into the general curriculum of American history the students of all ethnicities will benefit. We live in a multi-cultural society that would benefit from a different perspective on American society and assimilation. If an ethnic studies class promotes the overthrow of the U.S. government, it should be eliminated. The idea of ethnic studies should help us to come together in spite of our differences instead of separating us because we are different.
In response to “Immigration reform does not mean ending deportation” (By David Weissman, March 20):
Just face reality people, immigration reform is badly needed. Would American people do all the dirty jobs that immigrants do with minimum wage? I don’t think so. People are getting so ignorant these days and they don’t realize that their own ancestors were also illegal at some points of their lives. Native Americans own this land. I’m really hoping that immigration reform would pass this year once and for all. Peace!