In response to “U of A Confessions Facebook page promotes UA anonymity” (by Alison Dorf, Jan 4):
The U of A Confessions Facebook page was recently brought to our attention. Its purported purpose is to create a space where U of A students can anonymously submit confessions, no strings attached. Although this has the potential to create a non-judgmental space for cathartic expression and restitution, is has become little more than a communal space in which racist, sexist, heterosexist, and classist remarks are not only fostered, but are lauded and perpetuated (equally by men and women). From slut shaming and the propagation of rape culture to xenophobia and the blatant disregard for people of color on our campus, this Facebook page is sated with the presence of dehumanizing indignation directed at anyone who is not simultaneously white, heterosexual, and male.
Mechanisms of oppression are being expressed with acute banality. This space confronts us with the shameless sexism and racism on our campus, and more often than not, it encourages us to disassociate ourselves from the presence of these issues. Anonymity fosters expression of vulnerable experiences and sentiments, but it also removes us from any direct responsibility for the full meanings and implications of our statements. This site, as much as our scholarship, clubs or athletics, represents our students and our campus community — we are ashamed that this sharing of experiences has been reduced to a forum of hostile ignorance and hatred. The interns at F.O.R.C.E challenge our community to recognize and confront these issues not only on this online forum, but on our campus at large.
The F.O.R.C.E. Interns of the Women’s Resource Center
In response to “Students find residence hall tutoring insufficient” (by Paige Pollara, Jan 30):
Dear Editor,
In response to the commentary published on Jan. 31, titled “Students find residence hall tutoring insufficient” (online title; in-print title is “Residence hall tutoring falls short”), I would like to provide the student body with some information that may help shine some light on the expressed concerns. The THINK TANK is a student centered learning center that provides a wide array of academic support services. Though there are inherent similarities, these programs are all unique in their approach. Our academic tutoring efforts aim to support students by providing tutoring for math classes up through math 129 (Calc II), biology, chemistry, physics, Spanish, French and virtually any writing assignment, in any course. Though most of these services take place in our three locations (Bear Down Gym, Park Student Union and the Student Recreation Center), we have developed a partnership with Residence Life in order to provide the same services in north area residence halls.
In contrast, our Supplemental Instruction (SI) program provides peer-facilitated study sessions and is based on the internationally recognized model designed specifically to support science courses. The THINK TANK has worked with faculty to offer SI support in high enrollment, historically difficult gateway courses in several disciplines. This semester, those courses include MCB 181, MCB 170C1, CHEM 101B, PHYS 141, SPAN 102 and GER 160C1. For the most part, these sessions take place in Bear Down Gym and Park Student Union. This academic year, SI has started a new partnership with Residence Life to offer some of these study sessions in residence halls across campus. As THINK TANK partnerships continue to grow, we hope to further expand the presence of our services in these locations.
Finally, I would like to encourage all students to visit one of our locations, or refer to our website at for more information about other services like Academic Skills Tutoring, Academic Skills Workshops, Online Tutoring, Weekly Course Reviews, Exam Preps and Graduate School Exam Test Preparation courses.
Dorothy Briggs
Director, THINK TANK
(520) 626-1904