Help the new wave of Wildcats
The application deadline for students who want to be counselors next year for Bear Down Camp, an organization that helps incoming freshmen with transitioning to the UA, is Monday at noon. For more information, call Dana Pittman at 621-4679.
Need a job?
UA Career Services is holding a workshop that offers tips on how to find that perfect summer job or internship. The workshop will be from 1 -1:50 p.m. in the Student Union Memorial Center, Career Services Room 411. It’s something that could help this year’s graduating seniors.
Coke may be bad for you
According to a report by the New York Times, a team of scientists from the National Institutes of Health published a study claiming that drinking two or more colas a day could double the chance of getting chronic kidney disease. The authors are still looking into it, but it’s something to think about before you buy that second Coca-Cola.