We saw animal sciences freshman Santana Nez on her headphones in front of the Forbes building and stopped her to talk.
Wildcat: OK, you’re on the spot. How do you feel about illegal downloading?
Nez: Illegal downloading? I’m pretty neutral about…
W: What? What?
N: I’m pretty neutral about everything.
W: What do you mean?
N: Illegal downloading, it’s a bad thing.
W: What?
N: Illegal downloading is a bad thing.
W: Oh, yeah.
N: So…
W: What about it?
N: Well, sure it’s free and everything, but people who made that thing have worked hard to make it, and all of the sudden…
W: Make what?
N: Making whatever is being downloaded, you know?
W: Mhm.
N: It feels like your hard work isn’t being… (Pauses)
W: What?
N: Isn’t being, isn’t being … appreciated, I guess.
W: Wait, what do you mean?
N: Say, for instance a movie. Illegal downloading of a movie. People work really hard to make that movie, put millions of dollars into it, and all of a sudden you’re just getting it free.
W: Getting what?
N: Getting it free.
W: Oh yeah. Yeah. How do you feel about bands like Metallica who are really against illegal downloading, but they’re making a lot of money?
N: Well, I really don’t know.
W: You don’t…oh, you don’t know?
N: I don’t know about that, yeah they’re making a lot of money, but are they using it for their own little pleasures, or would they be giving it to charity. It’s like their own little pleasures, like ‘Oh I’m going to buy that fancy Ferarri, or three of them.’
W: What? Oh, OK.
N: Yeah.
W: Yeah, yeah I know. It doesn’t even make sense. What do you think is going to happen in the future?
N: The way it’s going now, it’ll probably get worse.
W: What do you mean?
N: No matter what, illegal things are still going to get worse. Take marijuana for instance. It was a little thing back then, and now it’s booming everywhere. Just like meth. It was a little thing back then, and now it’s booming everywhere.
W: Yeah. Oh, I see what you’re saying. OK, yeah.
– interview by Andi Berlin