On your first day of walking around campus, you are bombarded by advertising aimed specifically at your demographic. In an effort to bring in additional funding, UA has leased different areas of campus to Bluetooth advertising. Older students have already hacked their eyewear and earpieces to block unwanted ads such as personality add-ons and drugs that supposedly enhance hand-eye coordination.
The heads-up display software in your glasses — worn strictly for that retro look — lets you search for and filter information about classmates, friends, faculty, UA sites and lectures. Upon greeting someone new, you can download the person’s public profile. Depending on his or her privacy settings, you can also view infographics about the person’s psychological profile and genetic compatibility.
You feel a tingling sensation on the back of your hand. You check and see that tomorrow’s lectures have been posted. You download them for your nightly REM preview session. An alarm light flashes on your hand: time for lunch.
As part of a campaign to save on shipping costs and to appeal to people’s cravings for the exotic, Native Seeds/SEARCH has been supplying the UA’s Dining Services with clones of local, copyrighted species that were once on the verge of extinction. UA entrepreneurial clubs market the products to different regions around the country, inspiring a new generation of locavores.
Thanks to pioneering research developed at UA 50 years ago, everything in Tucson and on campus is wirelessly powered. Buildings are coated with paint that changes color with ambient temperature and can capture solar energy, which is then stored in battery cells throughout the city and campus.
But the real reason you chose to go to UA was the free access to public and private spas after a long day of classes. The UA was the first school to combine solar-heated water and water from computer cooling systems for campus bathrooms and spas. Schools in the Pac-20 were quick to license the technology to boost their own enrollment and retention rates.
— Steven Kwan is a nutritional sciences senior.