Career fair. Spring Career Days will be ongoing today and tomorrow. There will be a number of employers offering information about after-college employment, internships and more. This fair gives UA students the opportunity to make job contacts. 11 a.m. Free. Student Union Memorial Center, third floor Ballroom
Writing workshop. Joe Stefani discusses “”Toward Conciseness: Clearing the Underbrush from Your Writing.”” 4 p.m. Free. Education building, Room 318
Lecture. George Gehrels presents “”Earth Time: Reconstructing the History of Planet Earth. Gehrels is a distinguished professor of geosciences. 7 p.m. Free. University Medical Center, DuVal Auditorium
Leadership workshop. “”Many Faces of Spirituality on a College Campus”” will be presented courtesy of the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership. 5 p.m. Free. SUMC, Sabino Room
Hygiene for Humanity. The Student Association for International Relief Effort (SAFIRE) will be on campus today accepting donations and hygiene products to benefit the nation of Sri Lanka as it continues to recover from the devastating effects of the 2004 tsunami. You can contact SAFIRE through Neha Datta at All day. Numerous locations on campus.
Club meeting. The Society for Creative Anachronisms, a medieval re-enactment group, meets today. This club has an event coming up in a few weeks. 6:30 p.m. Free. SUMC, Picacho Room
Exhibit. “”On Our Own Time”” is an art exhibit showcasing the works of UA staff members. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. SUMC, Union Gallery
Film. The Africana Studies Department is showing the film “”Sugar Cane Alley.”” This film relates the educational journey of an impoverished youth pursuing a college education in Martinique. This film is part of AFAS 300 but students not enrolled in the course are welcome to attend if they call 621-5665 before the showing. 5 p.m. Free. Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center, Room 141