Are you guys living on your bikes?
We are on a bike trip from L.A. to Big Bend National Park in Texas, about halfway done.
Why are you stopped at the UA?
Well Tucson is one of the best cities I have ever been to. It’s awesome. Yesterday was “”Cyclovia”” event, we had a blast there and today we’ve just been re-doing all of our maps, mailed home half of our shit because it’s too heavy and it’s too hot. We don’t need cold layers anymore, kinda hanging out at the campus using your stuff, getting resources.
Best day yet?
Every day is incredible. I mean this town especially, this is just such a crossroads town, all the people hopping off of trains here; we’ve met so many real cool kids just drifting around, rainbow family camp ground situations.
How do you feel about zombies?
I feel like it’s a very practical thing when you are sleeping outside. There is a park here we learned about where all the crazy drunk guys wait from 2 to 6 in the morning and wander around smashing things, we call them zombies or methed-out four-wheel-drive off-roaders.
What’s your go-to defense mechanism for these zombies?
Our first step is it’s not very hard to outsmart them. We are like leprechauns if they found us, usually it’s just hiding. Like alright just beat me up, I don’t know what to do.