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Fast Facts
April 10, 2007
- A right whale’s eyeball is about as big as an orange.
The average American child takes his first trip to the mall at two months old.
There is enough salt in the ocean to cover the world 14 inches deep.
The Mayan Empire lasted six times as long as the Roman Empire.
280 million years ago, a year lasted 390 days.
The favorite meal of acclaimed actress Marlene Dietrich was hot dogs and champagne.
The average drinking glass holds 50 teaspoons of water.
The Carthaginians fought off Roman ships in 300 B.C. by catapulting live snakes at them.
Researchers estimate that in the year A.D. 1000, the world’s population was roughly 300 million.
Alexander Graham Bell refused to have a phone in his study because the ringing drove him nuts.
A camel can drink 25 gallons of water in a half-hour.
In less than a week, the sun sends out more energy than would be made by burning all the natural gas, oil, coal and wood on Earth.
If you’re an average American man, you’ll spend 81 minutes in your car today. The average woman will spend 64.
The medical term for a nosebleed is “”epistaxisis.””