Odds that a polished diamond weighs more than a carat: one in 1,000.
In a typical diamond mine, you have to dig 23 tons of ore to find a single one-carat diamond.
An ounce of gold can be beaten thin enough to cover an entire acre of ground.
The largest gold nugget ever found weighed 172 pounds, 13 ounces.
There’s enough gold in the ocean to give every human nine pounds.
Diamonds are up to 90 times harder than corundum, the next hardest mineral.
The number one use of gold in the United States: class rings.
Diamonds have been worth more than pearls for only about a century.
Seventy-five percent of all the gold mined each year is made into jewelry.
The diamond is the only gem composed of a single element — carbon.
South Africa mines almost half of the world’s gold.